iuwe4good Creative World Changers

Jane Cook with EWC - Empowered Women Create

Jane Season 1 Episode 1

Jane Cook, the founder of Empowered Women Create, shares the vision of empowering women who are vulnerable to oppression, poverty, sex work, and slavery around the world, to create sustainable income for themselves and their children through creativity. Jane will inspire you to go for your dreams and visions. She believes that we change the world for good together.
A lot has happened since this podcast.  Nokor Creations is now under Daughters of Cambodia.    https://www.daughtersofcambodia.org/
Jane continues to support and train Nokor artisans. Jane is also selling Nokor Creations and Daughters' work in the United States. You can go to the website to shop.    https://the-art-and-creativity-center-101402-109984.square.site/